Sunday, 30 November 2008

Welcome To all Visitors

Good Day.....

Thanks to all for visiting my simple blog..... basically through this blog, I try to share a story behind of my fridge magnet collection..... To date I have more than 300 Fridge Magnets from few countries round the world.... (refer to the statistic) but because of the time constraint, I only able to upload 40% of my collections.... 

To all visitors form foreign countries.... Malaysia do have a great collection of souvenir magnet... and I do have some of them... later i'll put some links to my local collections... and i will also try to put links to the some of my friends' collections.

And.... if anybody interested to swap/exchange magnets with Malaysia magnets.... you're most welcome....

P/S to speed up the process of uploading the picture of my Fridge Magnets into the blog, I'll upload the picture without the story. I'll try to post the story of the magnet later maybe some where within December.

Have a nice day...

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